Tuesday, September 3, 2013
a few more requests??
Sunday, February 24, 2013
February 2013
Doing well
swelling going down very fast- walking again and back on the job!
Upcoming schedule:
March 1-17 in town - normal schedule with church plant
March 5 Indian Institute
March 4-9 probable extra trip to Manaus to work on (yup, you got it) aviation paperwork
March 19 -- headed home for one month furlough
March 20 -24 Houston and Austin Texas with Son Peter and wife Faith
March 24-29 Concord Ga (catch up time, get car running)
March 29-April 3 NJ (meeting Easter Sunday Home church Haddon Heights Baptist)
see my Dad
April 7 AM Wealthy Park Baptist, Grand Rapids
PM Oxford Baptist- Oxford MIch
April 10 Speaking at Chapel Cedarville University
April 11 - 12 with Son in Law Brandon and Daughter Regina two days Wisconsin
April 13-15 with Son Jonathan at NIU
April 17 Frankfort and Lafayette Indiana
April 21 Berean Baptist Griffin Ga
then next week back to Brazil
April 28- May 5 Manaus- Airplane paperwork
thanks for your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jararaca bite part 2
Dear Friend
I had to come into town today for a not so pleasant reason, so thought I would pass this on to you now. Once again, it's hit and run, I head back in a few minutes to camp and wont have planned contact here until Wednesday next when camp is over.
I just received word that my dad has had a bad fall, broken his color bone and badly hurt his face, some 10 stiches on his mouth... I don't have many details, but enough (considering our distance and us being at camp) to know he must be in a lot of pain and discomfort. He just celebrated his 88th birthday…. Please pray for him.. My sister Becky and her husband Bob are taking care of him.
I am also having a few small problems- may have to have a small intervention on the leg as infection is very close to a bone and with the doctor's advice, we want to avoid having any bone infection… Praise the Lord we have a great doctor (Chip Phillips) at our side (even though thousands of miles away) giving us his counsel and help!
CAMP? Expecting 80 we have 120! (to put that in perspective, I took 10 drums of fuel off our hangar/house- weighing 3000 ponds, and another 3000 pounds of airplane, and in it's place added 19,000 lbs. of teenagers) We are packed! We definitely need to plan more buildings…
And these teens are ready….
Very exciting! Wish you were here to enjoy it with us… (though you would have to sleep in the basement) Please pray, I believe God is very strongly at work in their hearts. This promises to be a very fruitful camp.
Especially pray for safety, already had one young man hurt and he went home. (nothing very serious but obviously any injury is serious in our book.) And please continue to pray for Kimberly… who continues to astound me…. Put's a whole new meaning to "weaker vessel" J
May HIS name be praised.
Thanks for your important part in our work together for the Lord
Your servants HIS bond slaves
Allen and Kimberly.
(PS this is such a difference from the "old days" when we would send a letter home and you would get them weeks after the event)..
Dear Friend
A quick update/report that we OWE you as supporters, on a wild 30 days.
Camp #1 at SAI (our hospital site downriver) over: I believe there were 5-6 souls saved and there seemed to be MUCH fruit this year there. 70 campers.
Camp #2 ended yesterday (Wednesday 13) 120 campers. We had 5 youngsters saved and quite a few that "made decisions" to change lives and be more obedient in a smorgasbord of areas in their lives, from more faithful in devo.s, to repentance from others… As you know, this year (as never before) we had a "plague" of vipers.. I was hit a few days before (in the leg) we found one on the dock the day camp started, two in the water near land a few days later, and one on the dock the day they left, BUT NO INJURIES! We put our Indian brethren to good work, they scouted out the land every day and cleared it for us J (incredible eyesight they have)… Phil Peace (colleague) killed two… We are hoping that this "plague" (as Egypt's) is history. (it was due to the very late and very fast river rising this year). We had teens from our town, two indian villages, Tonantins and Santo Antonio (two other ABWE missionary church plants).
My leg- doing well. I was carried on a home made stretcher (though they refused to let me down from the roof as I requested) and sat in an easy chair for teaching. Half way through the week we had a small scare but it is doing much better now! Daily the swelling goes down. THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS. I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt God worked miraculously here to save me from what could have been much worse suffering!
My dad- I have heard nothing yet, hope to get caught up when I get into town to send this off.
Short future- Next week- (18-22) a full week of intensive pre-marital counseling with a couple.
19th and March 5- two different Indian Bible Institute class days
March 17- April 17- One month "furlough" visiting churches.
Once again, thanks for your love and prayers!
Your servants HIS bond slaves
Allen and Kimberly
Jararaca Bite part 1
Dear Friends
Well I guess my plan worked- tell my daughter and she tells the world---- her communication abilities are the best I have ever seen, thanks Renee and Mike!!! For being there when I really needed you!
The Title: Al – 50, Snake – 1
I have killed at least 50 snakes since here, this one scored
It was about a 4 foot Jararaca, very venomous. A friend of mine got hit by one a few months back in another town and he was bleeding through the nose, in the hospital for some time, etc etc (no details needed)
As short as possible- We have a new yard guest, a wildcat that is eating my guards chickens…We also have our second very large camp coming, where we use my running trails for competition.
So, picture the scene, here goes great white boana with a pistol in one hand hoping to get a few shorts off at the cat and the machete in the other to clear the jungle trail up well for the camp next week
What I didn't know is Mr. Jararaca was sunbathing on the trail in the only very little part where the grass is high… As I took off, I was looking ahead to watch for the thorn bushes that cut across the paths. I felt a sharp pain (up front shin bone left leg 6 inches from the knee downward) My FIRST thoughts were, wow, that was a large thorn =--- how did I miss it, (and I kept running another 5 steps.) The mind then started saying- "go back and cut it away so you wont trip on it again next lap.
As I went back I saw the snake slithering off into the jungle (I was going to put here that I found him upside down shivering in pain from food poisoning)….My reaction? cold chill….. I looked down and blood was coming through my sock… "snake 1" (I had stepped right on him and he was not a happy sunbather)
Can't run on a snake bite… so I started walking home (only about 30 yards, PTL I wasn't a mile back on my run) and yelled for Kim to get the snake bite zapper (a half power stun gun that wont hurt anybody but zaps the poison and "neutralizes it"… my thoughts? Wow, I'm finally going to get to test that out having bought it some 25 years ago…. Get my money's worth out of it.
I made it to the canoe to cross over and pushed it off, got stuck on a tree… the workers wife plunged into the river (my heroin) and got the canoe loose and towed me to the house. Kim got the shocker out, it was not working. So she ran for the little portable one and it did work (I zapped myself 15 times… and believe me it was quite a bit more painful than the snake bite and my yells sounded like the fog horns, I know that because people were pulling over to let me through J (again, just kidding on that part)
From bite to hospital, 35 minutes. MIRACLE: A doctor was there. Miracle 2- they had antivenins.
I had three very painful hours during the night, but all that passed. At one point the leg swelled and foot so I could put no weight on it.
I'm not here to make or sell a product but when I zapped the bite I could SEE the swelling going down. The doctor could not believe I wasn't loosing blood this morning, so he gave me permission to go home as long as I keep foot elevated, no running, rest, for two weeks.
Speaking of rest- thanks for praying> OUR BIG CAMP OF THE YEAR STARTS WEDNESDAY. I am speaking 23 times. Fortunately they have game directors to do all the rest.
Have a GREAT DAY, and thanks to the hundreds of people who prayed for me.
With love
Your servants HIS bondslaves
Al and Kimberly
2 comments stood out
1- Elijah (Mike and Renee's #2) .. with fear in his eyes…. "Is grandpa saved?" to which Renee said yes. (relief in eyes) he says "oh good, then if he dies he is going to heaven"!
2- My oriental daughter in law---- she thinks I'm brave (or dumb?? Sometimes things get lost in the translation) for zapping myself with a stun gun….
Update Sunday PM
I am very hesitant about writing another update… but will not be back online for the next 10 days so thought I would drop you all a line. (just received a few requests for updates) We will have email till Monday late morning.
We have been so overwhelmed (maybe overjoyed is a better word) with the numbers of prayer chains and churches praying for me at this time, calculating literally in the thousands….
God is in control.. The man I told you about last month, same snake, had much bleeding. The man in this hospital that was hit a week ago (out hunting) has had to have some surgical process to help him. There have been two amputations in the last 4 years for lack of meds and care.
Me? I missed church all day… That's all. The leg is stable, so we decided not to push it at all. Not able to support any weight or stand with it down. But it really is feeling great especially considering all the suffering that God has spared me from. Our plans now- body horizontal, foot high for a few days. Anti-venom treatments are over. Other treatments continue.
We head home tomorrow, then camp starts Wednesday- which sounds radical but really isn't. It promises to have up to 80 campers. I will post a picture of "preaching from my hammock"… promises to be a first… I will not be coming back to town for the next 10 days.
Renee (our firstborn) will keep track and if communications need to be made, she is our common link. Kim is going to try her hand at getting email middle of the week.
Pray with us for:
- Healing;
- Kim and all the work load;
- Safety for the campers (the very small area the snake was in is being flushed out to make sure my friends family are not still slithering in the high grass).
- Safety for the three boat loads of youth coming to the camp,
- AND MUCH FRUIT. This promises to be quite a camp.
We love and appreciate your prayers very much
Always, your servants HIS bond slaves- Allen and Kimberly
update January 2013
Dear Friend:
Well graduation is over.
the service was one of the best of many years
THE CAMERA'S LITHIUM BATTERY died after one picture... (of the cake)
sooooo no pictures.
HOWEVER we were promised some pictures by the young man that also took many so we will put some pictures out as soon as we get copies, it may take a week or two.
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! it was a very emotional and wonderful evening- after
12 years of IBAS, some 60 students that went through, to weep in joy with our first four graduates, bachelor degree in Theology/ministry
Here are the thoughts that went through my head as I fell asleep last night, an old song from my teen days ---
O God, the world is lost in sin,
And so few who seem to care!
Many of whom profess Thy name,
No burden will help to bear.
Give me a passion Lord, for Souls
To bring the lost ones to Thee;
Our hearts must be stirred,
till all have heard
of Jesus of Calvary
Don't let me rust, or my life be
A failure, my God, to Thee.
Use me and all I have, dear Lord,
And draw me so close to Thee
That I feel the throb
Of the great heart of God,
O let me burn out for Thee.
Always, your servants, HIS bond slaves
Allen and Kimberly
update december 2012
Dear Friend,
Adoniram Judson, missionary to Burma, endured untold hardships. For 7 heartbreaking years he suffered hunger and privation. During this time, 17 months were spent in almost incredible mistreatment in Ava Prison, resulting in ugly marks made by the chains and iron shackles. Upon release he asked for permission to enter another province. The godless ruler indignantly denied his request, saying, "My people are not fools enough to listen to anything a missionary might SAY, but I fear they might be impressed by your SCARS and turn to your religion!
In preparing the Christmas program, I have done some research on "the great cloud of witnesses" that have gone before us. We also are reflecting on how many USA pastors right now are suffering far more than we have even had to. "Deny self and take up your cross and follow me" is becoming more and more painful in its reality for those serious in obeying the LORD of Christmas. May God give YOU all peace, even as "the love of many waxes cold". May Christmas somehow move believers to look at the cross more than what is under the tree, be worried about fulfilling the commission far more than who wins an election or a ball game. We are praying for you all also… Maranatha! And MERRY CHRISTMAS.
NEWS from the Amazon front:
1) CESP kid's club not only is doing real well in its last few weeks before Christmas break, but we have seen CESP start up in Atalaia (a town upriver) and now a church way down in Sao Paulo (in the "slums" of that massive city) is asking for Kim to help them start a club there also, (by long distance!) thanks to our son in law Brandon Bell who was there preparing the way for his and Regina's future ministry as missionaries.
2) IBAS- after two churches, two towns and now 12 years of teaching, We are going to see our first graduation. Three will get their Bachelors degree in Bible and Ministerial studies. A young lady, our Ticuna Missionary and our Peruvian deacon. Amidst great rejoicing we still are sad we have no future pastor from the program, which was our main goal. Graduation is on Jan. 6. Our church remains pastor-less… thanks for your prayers!
3) Aviation/Indians- amidst impossible conditions (we serve the God of the impossible) the plane is still being used to "teach the tribes" now with THREE villages holding classes. We need help! Thanks for your prayers. The third, we just made contact, has a promised more than 100 students that will gather monthly to study God's word, a mix of youth and older men and a few women. We are also organizing weeklong blocks of training now in town to help economize.
4) Christmas program is in the cooker… We have a very talented young lady that loves drama and music and their preparations have been powerful and God Honoring!
5) We are preparing for two camps again this year, one in Santo Antonio (the hospital site) where we will be speaking all week and then the next one, our normal full week one up here at our camp- both next year (end of Jan. beginning of Feb.)
6) Pray for our church leadership--- we still struggle with many issues that keep us from being able to turn this work over and start anew.
7) The yearly big VBS is also upcoming--- a big one, done mostly by them.
Thanks so much for everything- your love, faithful prayers and support
We love and will miss you all this Christmas.
Always Your servants HIS bond slaves
Allen and Kimberly
update november 2012
Dear Friend,
Adoniram Judson, missionary to Burma, endured untold hardships. For 7 heartbreaking years he suffered hunger and privation. During this time, 17 months were spent in almost incredible mistreatment in Ava Prison, resulting in ugly marks made by the chains and iron shackles. Upon release he asked for permission to enter another province. The godless ruler indignantly denied his request, saying, "My people are not fools enough to listen to anything a missionary might SAY, but I fear they might be impressed by your SCARS and turn to your religion!
In preparing the Christmas program, I have done some research on "the great cloud of witnesses" that have gone before us. We also are reflecting on how many USA pastors right now are suffering far more than we have even had to. "Deny self and take up your cross and follow me" is becoming more and more painful in its reality for those serious in obeying the LORD of Christmas. May God give YOU all peace, even as "the love of many waxes cold". May Christmas somehow move believers to look at the cross more than what is under the tree, be worried about fulfilling the commission far more than who wins an election or a ball game. We are praying for you all also… Maranatha! And MERRY CHRISTMAS.
NEWS from the Amazon front:
1) CESP kid's club not only is doing real well in its last few weeks before Christmas break, but we have seen CESP start up in Atalaia (a town upriver) and now a church way down in Sao Paulo (in the "slums" of that massive city) is asking for Kim to help them start a club there also, (by long distance!) thanks to our son in law Brandon Bell who was there preparing the way for his and Regina's future ministry as missionaries.
2) IBAS- after two churches, two towns and now 12 years of teaching, We are going to see our first graduation. Three will get their Bachelors degree in Bible and Ministerial studies. A young lady, our Ticuna Missionary and our Peruvian deacon. Amidst great rejoicing we still are sad we have no future pastor from the program, which was our main goal. Graduation is on Jan. 6. Our church remains pastor-less… thanks for your prayers!
3) Aviation/Indians- amidst impossible conditions (we serve the God of the impossible) the plane is still being used to "teach the tribes" now with THREE villages holding classes. We need help! Thanks for your prayers. The third, we just made contact, has a promised more than 100 students that will gather monthly to study God's word, a mix of youth and older men and a few women. We are also organizing weeklong blocks of training now in town to help economize.
4) Christmas program is in the cooker… We have a very talented young lady that loves drama and music and their preparations have been powerful and God Honoring!
5) We are preparing for two camps again this year, one in Santo Antonio (the hospital site) where we will be speaking all week and then the next one, our normal full week one up here at our camp- both next year (end of Jan. beginning of Feb.)
6) Pray for our church leadership--- we still struggle with many issues that keep us from being able to turn this work over and start anew.
7) The yearly big VBS is also upcoming--- a big one, done mostly by them.
Thanks so much for everything- your love, faithful prayers and support
We love and will miss you all this Christmas.
Always Your servants HIS bond slaves
Allen and Kimberly
update sept 2012
September 1, 2012
Dear Friend,
"Have I done my best for Jesus?" The song echoes in my mind, have i? There is little new going on though we do want to catch you up and September promises to be different….
IN CHURCH - We still are needing (main request) national pastoral leadership. Please pray that God will bring about a solution. Church continues to grow, some old leaders are struggling, some new ones emerging, general slow but steady growth.
CESP - Still a lot of work, but we remain full of kids. Pray that our youth leaders will be steady and long term that we may see more fruit.
YOUTH GROUP hovers around 35, but we have seen newly saved and the current series seems to be going over very well.
IBAS - We are TWO WEEKS from finishing the last of the heavy courses (Acts and Hebrews: I believe I have learned more than the students) and then there are only a few electives to finish by the end of November- and we will then (after many, many years) have our FIRST graduation of those that have finished the course. The academic dean of the seminary down south is hoping to come up to do the graduation with us.
INDIAN institutes - still going well, but about to stop for a month (low water month off for our traveling to help in conferences). My heart though is still heavy: "When Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him, when he saw the city was full of idols" (Acts 17:16)… we observe heart idolatry tearing Christians apart even more than pagan idolatry is to the unsaved. It is hard to watch false teachers sway the babes in Christ as well as unsaved religionists. Passing a church the other night ("evangelical"), the pastor was taking an offering and saying for them to put a list of their sins in the offering envelopes, and to make the offering good, for "it is so hard having to bear your sins for you," he said . . . A young woman leaving church to attend another because "even though we have good Bible, theirs is more interesting - they fall on the floor" . . . Indian believers "through covetousness . . . with feigned words (are being) made merchandise" (II Pet. 2:3) of those that use them to make money.
BIBLICAL COUNSELING seminars Northeast Brazil? We have many. This year we are still returning to Fortaleza to help teach (with a team) 4 tracks of training at the SIBIMA seminary. Drs. Viars and Hodges will be joining us! We also are doing a partial track one interior (Jijoca) evenings, and simultaneously, a full Track 2 at a Bible Institute called Antioquia. The next week we'll be teaching a partial Track 1 in the evenings and much practical training and counseling at Limoeiro. Then, lastly, a full Track one in Natal, the capital city of another state. Four weeks, some 300 students. Please pray with us for our stamina and my voice, and that the Spirit will accomplish much preparing their hearts and teaching, and for safety through much travel.
For those that did not hear, Mike and Renee Skibinski (our first daughter and hubby) are now ON THE FIELD, in Fortaleza (with 3 of our grandsons). Their visa was approved! And they are now in language training.
Brandon and Regina (our second daughter and hubby) and our 4'th grandson are on the other end--- very low support, deputizing. We so remember those days; they were a blessed hardship! Please pray that they will soon see support growing and be on their way to the field.
Jonathan is back in college for his junior year and doing great. He spent the summer with family in New Jersey.
Peter and Faith are so far away… in the native jungles of Texas, we see less of them than any… Their business is going well, and they are working in their church and small groups.
Thanks again so much for your support, prayers, love.
Always, your servants HIS bond slaves,
Allen and Kimberly
update july 2012
The day the lights went out…
If you will allow me 5 minutes of your time to tell you of GOD'S MIGHTY HAND OF PROTECTION, once again, in my life, second only to the Guyana incident.
This occurred Monday. To catch your interest: I really don't know what happened, I have little to no memory of it, and am telling you what I have learned from others… I write these stories now so later in life when memory is not so good, I can remember how God was so gracious… to the story-
I was up on the floats, up on the plane, up on the cart on our floating house taking the cowling off the plane to put on the part that my boss Herman Teachout and my great friend Wilson got/sent to me (and that went through 7 pairs of hands to get to me, never has a part made it so fast from the USA). Needless to say, I was quite excited about getting airborne again after four weeks down. Kim was upstairs cleaning and did not hear a thing. By God's grace my worker had just arrived on the dock.
All I remember is that the cowl was stuck and I pulled harder to get it loose. I vaguely
remember a rope touching the back of my leg, nothing else. The worker said he looked up and I was flying backwards with the cowl in hand, my legs got tangled in the ropes that tie the plane to the dock, went upside down and fell flat on the top of my head, on the dock. He came over and tried to talk to me but my eyes "were up in my head", and I "was shaking" (lightly). To me, my world was spinning, the first thing I remember was the worker's adolescent daughter rubbing my shoulder and asking me how I was. (Kim later told me there was 20 minutes between when she came down and the workers daughter showed up, and that she had been trying to talk to me). I "came to" talking to her, and was holding a bag of ice on my head sitting on the floor by the plane. At this point Kim (having asked me several questions and not gotten 'normal' answers), decided to contact Chip Phillips our doctor and they talked a few minutes on symptoms and what to do. (setting: to do this she had to jump in a boat with the worker and drive half way to town to get a phone signal)…
I ended up with a rope burn behind my knee (apparently the rope I tripped on), a cut right ankle, bruised right hand, bruised left arm including a swollen elbow, three cuts on my face where glasses left their mark, a 'sore back', a goose-egg on the back of my head a very sore "top" of the head, and 20 minutes of total lack of memory.
So, praise God I have a very hard head and that there are no symptoms of any danger… (though the head does remain a tadge tender). We slept in town that night (this happened just before dark) to be close to doctor care and a very fast boat if needed to get to Chip. The next morning we got business done in town and I spent a delicious two days at home low profile.
I DID get the part on the airplane. Thanks to all that made that possible. To keep flying is still a tremendous trial. Now we are so very low on fuel that I probably only have one more trip to the Indians before I am totally out, not counting emergency reserve. We "ordered" fuel months ago.
THANKS especially to you that prayed for me the evening of the incident!! I believe what could have been very serious, turned out as it did because of your prayers, and frankly, I am grateful to God for not being able to remember the ordeal.
Love you all
Thanks for your prayers
Allen and Kimberly
To take advantage of this note and let you know our agenda:
July- we have two visits to the Indians and one more set of classes at SAI to finish
counseling training there.
August, "normal month" at home only. LOW water month, worst month of the year for
just living conditions and travel to and fro house.
September (the end) we travel again to Fortaleza for 3 Biblical Counseling conferences
and one week of the practical training.
October, back to "normal" in our town of SPO
We hope that in December, or January we will be having our FIRST graduation from our little amazon jungle bible seminary. Will keep you posted.