Hello good friends-
a special request??
We are at the airport for a midnite flight to our next set of meetings-
We received a call and a lady member of our church, three kids, no husband, is in the hospital and apparently her kidneys are quitting, a situation far above the abilities of the local doctors. Her name (in english) is Grace. She is the aunt of one of our two teachers. She is in critical condition and they have called the capital to see if they can get a ICU airplane to fly up tomorrow and take her to the capital. We would appreciate your prayer for her, thanks.
One more request?
Our hosts and fellow missionaries Jerry and Linda Neuman (in fortaleza) on their way to church a few nights ago, were hit by an uninsured driver and I believe their car is totaled. He is the one that had the accident a few months back shattering his one leg. And they are the workforce behind the conferences there. I'm sure they are under a lot of strain right now and could use your prayers also- Thanks so much
Our schedule?
a week of 5 classes ahead of us, (an add on we confirmed today, be there from 5th through 11th) then
Sept 16 - 19 Natal seminary for a week of classes all day long: "Christian Home".
Sept 20, banquet with MMM mission (that our kids Mike and Renee are directly working with in Cape Verde Africa.
Sept 21 One night class with a church on pornography
Sept 23 to 27 the 5th annual Biblical Counseling conference at SIBIMA seminary in Fortaleza, 4 tracks.
Sept 30 to Oct 2 - six night classes, mini conference in "Russia" Ceara
Oct 4-6 finish the push with a YOUTH Retreat on the Fortaleza Beaches (and how i hate going to the beach) but this part promises to be the high point for me- I love working youth retreats.
Thanks for your prayers for Kim and I as we travel tonight, tomorrow night and the other trips
Do pray with us that the Holy Spirit will prepare hearts ahead of time that this will be a powerful few weeks of ministry.
and MUCH fruit
thanks so very much
your servants HIS bond slaves
Allen and Kimberly