Sunday, February 24, 2013

jararaca bite part 2

Dear Friend

I had to come into town today for a not so pleasant reason, so thought I would pass this on to you now. Once again, it's hit and run, I head back in a few minutes to camp and wont have planned contact here until Wednesday next when camp is over.


I just received word that my dad has had a bad fall, broken his color bone and badly hurt his face, some 10 stiches on his mouth...  I don't have many details, but enough (considering our distance and us being at camp) to know he must be in a lot of pain and discomfort. He just celebrated his 88th birthday…. Please pray for him.. My sister Becky and her husband Bob are taking care of him.


I am also having a few small problems- may have to have a small intervention on the leg as infection is very close to a bone and with the doctor's advice, we want to avoid having any bone infection… Praise the Lord we have a great doctor (Chip Phillips) at our side (even though thousands of miles away) giving us his counsel and help!


CAMP?  Expecting 80 we have 120! (to put that in perspective, I took 10 drums of fuel off our hangar/house- weighing 3000 ponds, and another 3000 pounds of airplane, and in it's place added 19,000 lbs. of teenagers)   We are packed! We definitely need to plan more buildings…

And these teens are ready…. 

Very exciting!  Wish you were here to enjoy it with us… (though you would have to sleep in the basement)  Please pray, I believe God is very strongly at work in their hearts. This promises to be a very fruitful camp.

Especially pray for safety, already had one young man hurt and he went home. (nothing very serious but obviously any injury is serious in our book.)  And please continue to pray for Kimberly… who continues to astound me….  Put's a whole new meaning to "weaker vessel" J


May HIS name be praised.

Thanks for your important part in our work together for the Lord

Your servants  HIS bond slaves

Allen and Kimberly.


(PS   this is such a difference from the "old days" when we would send a letter home and you would get them weeks after the event)..



Dear Friend

A quick update/report that we OWE you as supporters, on a wild 30 days.

Camp #1 at SAI (our hospital site downriver) over: I believe there were 5-6 souls saved and there seemed to be MUCH fruit this year there. 70 campers.

Camp #2 ended yesterday (Wednesday 13) 120 campers. We had 5 youngsters saved and quite a few that "made decisions" to change lives and be more obedient in a smorgasbord of areas in their lives, from more faithful in devo.s, to repentance from others… As you know, this year (as never before) we had a "plague" of vipers..  I was hit a few days before (in the leg) we found one on the dock the day camp started, two in the water near land a few days later, and one on the dock the day they left, BUT NO INJURIES!  We put our Indian brethren to good work, they scouted out the land every day and cleared it for us J (incredible eyesight they have)… Phil Peace (colleague) killed two… We are hoping that this "plague" (as Egypt's) is history. (it was due to the very late and very fast river rising this year). We had teens from our town, two indian villages, Tonantins and Santo Antonio (two other ABWE missionary church plants).

My leg-   doing well. I was carried on a home made stretcher (though they refused to let me down from the roof as I requested) and sat in an easy chair for teaching. Half way through the week we had a small scare but it is doing much better now! Daily the swelling goes down. THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS. I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt God worked miraculously here to save me from what could have been much worse suffering!

My dad- I have heard nothing yet, hope to get caught up when I get into town to send this off.

Short future- Next week- (18-22) a full week of intensive pre-marital counseling with a couple.

                        19th and March 5-  two different Indian Bible Institute class days

                        March 17- April 17-  One month "furlough" visiting churches.

Once again, thanks for your love and prayers!

Your servants HIS bond slaves

Allen and Kimberly
