Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Special
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Special Project List
Special Project's list
1- The Brazilian Mission paperwork- (aviation) it has taken a long step forward last week. We hope to get the airplane's paperwork all in order as we start this next term.
2- The new shop- Tim Lankford's shop seems to be our only option open to us. Pray still for the funding we need to replace his roof that was destroyed in that storm.
3- New pilots- Things are looking much better for the continuation of the aviation ministry, but we as yet do not have replacements on hand to take over the flying of our little band of Cessna's… Please pray that if it is God's will to continue on, that He would soon supply some new pilots, either American or Brazilian to join the team.
4- Annual Inspection- We will be headed back to Brazil early next year, the first project being doing an annual inspection on DNY then flying it back down to SPO to start a new term
5- Teams- we are still hoping to have workers/teams in several areas. Tim is looking for mechanics that would give a short term to his maintenance hangar, with A&P and experience in doing annuals, on airplanes and/or helicopters
6- On land hangar- We are anticipating the possible construction of a hangar on land. More details after we get back and do some preliminary work.
1- MAP- missionary apprentice- Any older high school or college age that are interested in the MAP program for next summer or any other summer, please contact us at
2- GYM FLOOR- We will be having to re-cover (cement work) the gym floor behind our church (part of our property). Any teams of cement workers interested, please contact us as above…
3- Long range projects this term- we are anticipating the moving of the floating house downriver to another point in the latter part of this term.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
getting our attention
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
On the road
Hello to you all- crazy two weeks, 5000 miles on the road- sometimes I wonder if there is a better way… but wow, what a blessing it is getting to see you all again and have the sweet fellowship we so miss when on the field. Besides meeting in churches, we also got to work on a few planes with Phil Bowers, a man that has made it his mission to help us missionary pilots in a big way.
Next on the list is a renewal course in Nashville Tuesday, and then up north east to see Al's folks for the first time this furlough! We are really looking forward to that - Our nephew Robbie Colby will be getting married on the 10th, all gifts can go to the Yoder aviation fund (just kidding)…
We then have a week at the ABWE ME conference and will get to help out at the new candidate training school the week after. We have a meeting in the far north of New York state Aug 1, then a wedding in Oxford Michigan the 6th/7th, a long drive to Atlanta overnight as we board Sunday afternoon for Brazil again.
August: 9- 13 we are in the annual meeting of the ABCB (Brazilian Association of Biblical Counselors). 16 – 20 (please mark these for special prayer!!) we head to the other end of Brazil to Manaus where we hope to renew our Mechanic license, Move the other plane to a shop that will help me rebuild it, and work on aviation paperwork. 23- 27 we return to Fortaleza to team teach an entire track 1 and 2 conference in Biblical Counseling. We head back for home arriving Lord willing August 30, Atlanta.
Many pastors and churches have asked for project needs- our outstanding one now is the finances to do the rebuild on the airplane engine and equipment for the shop.
Please pray with us as this is no small project, but we have no small God! We should have (in about a month) a website with all the information, films, description, etc.
Thanks again for your love and prayers. Looking forward to seeing the rest of you in the months to come as we head to your churches for the needed report.
Your servant, HIS bondslaves
Allen and Kimberly Yoder